Future Sonics is committed to Hearing Health Awareness and is a proud sponsor of H.E.A.R.® (Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers).
Hearing preservation is at the heart of all our projects and has been since the creation of the Ear Monitors® Brand in 1985. Not only in regards to the musicians who use Future Sonics products but also the audiences, venue staffs and stage crews who share the same environments. We understand if you bring stage volume down you can in turn bring house volume down which benefits everyone.
Whether you are using our products on stage, in the studio or for personal use the hearing health of the end user is addressed in the development and design of all Future Sonics products. Our proprietary driver technology and BIGGER SOUND @ lower volume™ promise is recognized by H.E.A.R.® “H.E.A.R. applauds Future Sonics’ new professional earphones as a significant step forward in hearing conservation due to increased clarity across a broad range that measurably reduces the need for excessive amplification.”
Kathy Peck
Director of H.E.A.R ®
For more information on hearing health issues or hearing awareness programs you can support visit any of the links below.